In the light of Tonia Fuster
Since she presented her lamps within the "Disseny i Innovació a les Illes Balears" program, the young industrial designer Tonia Fuster has not stopped creating particular objects.

"Unique objects are made of courage"

Over time, I have gone from a more organic style to a more traditional one, going through a more industrial one, in the same way, that we change ourselves over time. But the goal of each piece is always the same: no matter how baroque an initial idea may be, my task as a designer is to seek its conceptual essence and simplify its form to achieve that versatility of the timeless object.
“It is important to put love in work because it is for people.
I think it is the most authentic and beautiful part of the world of decoration”.
When we make a work or an object, we indirectly expose part of ourselves to the judgment of others. Most are afraid of that, so they choose not to take chances and imitate things that they know already work. Thus, we fill the world with objects without identity, copies of others, which favor the saturation of the offer and also the unbridled consumption by not being able to identify or satisfy ourselves at all.
So I think unique items are made out of bravery. Not being afraid to expose yourself creates those unique designs, as each person in this world is unique. It's what I try, to be myself and not be afraid.

Anything inspires me, anything makes me think, anything can be a lamp and for me, there are no crazy ideas.

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